About Us

About Us

This is a blog launched in the year (insert) that aims to be a your go-to on information about family ,parenting , home-related organization and tips , personal finance and travel as we all work towards personal development from anywhere around the world .

About the site:

This website is for anyone with an interest in family and parenting skills, homemaking in terms of organization, personal development, financial improvement, and recreation.

Mummy2five.com will offer a community of supportive parents who want to make their families get better. Posts on this site will also provide you with inspiration on how to organize your home in order to maximize the space you have for your family. Advice will be given to those who wish to attain financial freedom and those who seek personal development. Here you will get to learn a lot from others.

Parenting is no walk in the park but gives you immense joy at the end of the day, with every passing moment; a parent aims to be better at everything from preparing meals to satisfy the children at home to offering them the good education. As your child or children grow, your knowledge on how to handle several things grows. This blog will offer guidance to you and I as we take our different journeys and learn more every passing day.

This site came to be due to the growing passion for parenting, family, home improvement and all it entails .its interest has grown with each little one joining the lot and being totally different in his or her own way. People often ask about what inspired me to start this blog , I can dimply say that as much as being a mummy to five can make some think I am an expert but the truth is the emotions I get over each and every single one of my children is what has driven me . They push me to want to hunger for knowledge and more organization so that I can provide all that is within my means.

Personal bio

My name is Toni Maree. I am a mother to five (as you have probably figured out) incredible children named Cathy-Maree, Logan, Lazarus, Leilani and Lorelei who have different personalities and give me the most joy each passing day.

Let us get to know each other more, share experiences and tips, contact me here.